Monday, January 30, 2017

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Haus in der Umgebung von Hannover

Sie sind auf der Suche nach einem schoenen Haus in der Umgebung von Hannover?

Eine nicht so bekannte Moeglichkeit ist die Versteigerung eines Hauses und die sicheresten Versteigungsobjekte sind Teilungsversteigerungen im Rahmen einer Erbauseindersetzung. Ein solches lastenfreies Objekt wird in ca. 10 Tagen am Amtsgericht Elze versteigert.

Eine solche Versteigerung ist ein Geheimtipp in Investor-Kreisen.

Fuer Interessierte hier ist die Adresse:  Auction - Haus mit 2 Garagen und grossem Grundstueck
Amtsgericht Elze, Niedersachsen, hat den Versteigerungstermin auf den Freitag, 10.
Februar 2017,09:30 Uhr, im Amtsgericht Elze Bahnhofstraße 26, Saal 09

Bitte bedenken Sie, dass Sie - falls Sie mitbieten moechten - einige Details beachten muessen. Auskunft gibt Ihnen gern das Amtsgericht oder kontaktieren Sie uns. Wir helfen Ihnen bei dieser Versteigerung gern unverbindlich und kostenlos.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Fort Lauderdale

If you want to shop, this is the right place: Fort Lauderdale

Are you on your path to success for 2017?

The new year is nearly ten days old and that is still young. Did you make your new year’s resolutions for this year? Did you start your realization for your annual business goals? Or are you still in the planning period?

Maybe you are stuck in your mind box and do not know where to start. Maybe you need a little mentoring for your successful enterprise. We are here to listen to your ideas and can help you to get to your goal.

In case you intend to start an export business Fort Lauderdale will be the location to be successful. In Fort Lauderdale you will find excellent conditions for your shipments from the United States to Europe, the Caribbean Islands, Africa and South America because we have an international sea port and an international airport within one-mile radius.

The county is also very interested to attract businesses and stimulate the employment. We can offer you all necessary connections and have also business contacts to financial lenders that assist with all your financial business needs.

Are you interested, then contact us at
For books about Florida and die Caribbean Islands or

For more information about Florida or service requests

Thursday, January 26, 2017


The property has a huge front yard and a big kitchen garden with a greenhouse.There is a well on the lot which can be used for the watering of the garden or you can use the collected rain water. The yard offers much space for the growing of your own vegetables and fruits. In back area of the gard you find fruit trees which not only give you fruits but let you relax in the shade.
The sun and the tranquility of the country lifestyle you can enjoy on the spacious patio or the balcony. In the middle of the front lawn there is a paved sitting area and in the fruit garden you will find an outdoor fireplace for your family parties.
The house and the windows are is heating isolated from the outside and also on the inside. The living area is 237 qm, basement and attic are not included and can be used as storage. The lot size is app. 1750 qm.

Versteigerung einer Immobilie im Rahmen einer Erbschaft-Auseinandersetzung.

Versteigerung einer Immobilie im Rahmen einer Erbschaft-Auseinandersetzung.

Das besondere und interessante an einer solchen Versteigerungsimmobilie ist, dass diese meist sehr gepflegt und haeufig lastenfrei ist und mehrere Eigentuemer, die Erben in einer Erbengemeinschaft, vorhanden sind. 

Der Bewohner der Immobilie ist meist einer der Erben und weil er im Erbfall die uebrigen Erben auszahlen muss und das nicht kann oder nicht will, versucht er die gesamte Immobilie mittels Zwangsversteigerung zur Aufloesung der Erbengemeinschaft in seine Hand zu bekommen.
Mit einem solchen Verfahren kann der betreibende Erbe das Objekt im guenstigsten Fall fuer 50 % des Verkehrswertes ersteigern, wenn kein weiterer Bieter vorhanden ist.

Ein solches Versteigerungsvorgehen geht immer zu Lasten der uebrigen Erben, deren Erbanteil entsprechend geschaelert wird, denn es steht nicht mehr der Verkehrswert zur Verteilung an, sondern nur noch der Versteigerungserloes.

Fuer einen Investor sind diese Erbstreitigkeit uninteressant, interessant ist fuer ihn allerdings, dass die Immobilie gut unterhalten ist und Renovierungen fuer einen sofortigen Bezug oder Vermietung selten notwendig sind und der Einkommensstream kann sofort nach Bezahlung des Versteigungsbetrag fliessen. Ausserdem ist der Erwerb solcher Immobilien weniger kapitalintensiv.

Bei einer Versteigerung, die auf Grund eines notleidenden Kredites von einer Bank beantragt wird, ist die Immobilie haeufig nicht gepflegt. Der derzeitige Eigentuemer und Kreditnehmer hat haeufig nicht mehr das Geld die Immobilie instand zu halten und ein Investor muss mit hoeheren Renovierungskosten rechnen. Sein Kapitaleinsatz ist wesentlich hoeher.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Auction - Haus mit 2 Garagen und grossem Grundstueck Amtsgericht Elze

Auction - Haus mit 2 Garagen und grossem Grundstueck
Amtsgericht Elze, 
Niedersachsen, hat den Versteigerungstermin auf den Freitag, 10.
Februar 2017,09:30 Uhr, im Amtsgericht Elze Bahnhofstraße 26, Saal 09

Are you on your path to success for 2017?

Are you on your path to success for 2017?

The new year is nearly ten days old and that is still young. Did you make your new year’s resolutions for this year? Did you start your realization for your annual business goals? Or are you still in the planning period? 

Maybe you are stuck in your mind box and do not know where to start. Maybe you need a little mentoring for your successful enterprise. We are here to listen to your ideas and can help you to get to your goal.

In case you intend to start an export business Fort Lauderdale will be the location to be successful. In Fort Lauderdale you will find excellent conditions for your shipments from the United States to Europe, the Caribbean Islands, Africa and South America because we have an international sea port and an international airport within one-mile radius.

The county is also very interested to attract businesses and stimulate the employment. We can offer you all necessary connections and have also business contacts to financial lenders that assist with all your financial business needs.

Are you interested, then contact us at  

For books about Florida and die Caribbean Islands or
For more information about Florida or service requests 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

When stopped - don't not leave your car

When stopped - don't not leave your car

We already educate Florida visitors and tourists on our information portal about the important custom and rules when travelling in the United States for years. However, some information needs to be stressed constantly to make sure that it is known and keeps you save.

In many countries it is common to leave your car when you are stopped by the police or the road troopers. Such a behavior can have bad consequences for you as the driver. As long as you stay in your car when stopped on the street or road you are in a save spot. As soon as you leave the car such movements are interpreted by the law enforcement officer as a threat and they are allowed to protect themselves with all necessary force.

Therefore, never leave your car unless the officer tells you to do so. Also do not show any aggressive movements or speech because nearly every officer has either a dash cam or even a body cam that records every move not only for your protection but also for the protection of the officer. Disrespectful behavior is recorded and can be use as evidence later.  

Stay save when travelling in the United States and Florida. The many officers on the roads are there for your safety and are often there to assist you. So be nice to them and respect them.

For books about Florida and die Caribbean Islands or
For more information about Florida or service requests  

Monday, January 23, 2017

Bald eagle chick born and healthy

Bald eagle chick born and healthy

That is a good start for the year 2017 and maybe it is also a sign for good fortune. Just at the brink to a new year we in Florida are lucky. A breeding eagle had a little eagle chick as the breeding camera showed.

One of the breeding and residential grounds is the state of Florida and this particular one was breeding in the Everglades in South Florida. It made us all happy to see this little fluffy bird because a few days ago a mature female eagle died because of her injuries and the trauma when she slid into a storm drain.

The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States and you will find pictures on many federal governmental buildings and items like the federal seal or on the rug in the oval office in the White House. 

Eagles are also strictly protected and it is illegal to obtain or to possess any part of these birds of prey – not a feather nor a claw. According to the beliefs of the Native Americans the bald eagle is a sacred bird and serves as a messenger between the gods and the humans. Feathers and claws of this majestic bird are used for rituals in the Native American religion. Therefore every feather that you find anywhere or even when you find a dead eagle you have to turn over to the authorities.

For more information you can contact us at

For books about Florida and die Caribbean Islands or
For more information about Florida or service requests  

Airport in Fort Lauderdale

Shooting at the Airport in Fort Lauderdale

Sadly, my home town Fort Lauderdale is today in the breaking news because of a shooting at the international airport. I hoped never to read such news but such an event can never be prevented. There are always people that do not have respect for life. They do not care for anyone and even the strictest gun laws will prevent such events.

The tragic event happened in the arrival area where the travelers pick up their checked baggage. The shooter was based on the existing regulations allowed to transport a weapon in his checked baggage and when he arrived, he picked up his bags and loaded his gun in a bathroom. He shot five people dead and wounded several others who were transported to the hospital for treatment.

However, our Sherriff and his officers as well as the first responders did a great job to help the people and they caught the shooter quickly. As we later learnt the shooter is a mentally disturbed veteran from Alaska who lived in South Florida a few years ago.

Because of this incident the airport was shut down and the service is expected to resume on Saturday when all crime scene investigations are finished.

Nevertheless, the airport in my home town Fort Lauderdale is safe and I am not afraid to go everywhere because I know and trust the authorities and the law enforcement. I will make my next trip also from that airport and I invite you to Fort Lauderdale – the Venice of America – to enjoy our life style.

For books about Florida and die Caribbean Islands or
For more information about Florida or service requests