Friday, February 3, 2017

You are fired at the inauguration

You are fired at the inauguration

Yes, that can happen. In the United States there are several service positions in which a person is chosen and appointed by the president. In this case I am not referring to the members of the government for example the Department of Defense or Department of Justice. These positions are nominated by the president and are interrogated by the Senate. When the Senate agrees with these president’s picks they are confirmed and they can start working in the government.

But there are other positions in lower ranks that are directly appointed by the president and these positions do not need the confirmation by anyone. According to this process these positions are limited in time to the end of the presidency of the president. That means these employees have to write their letter of resignation before the president-elect is sworn in. The president-elect decides whom he wants to keep and who has to leave.

When the president decides to let go such an appointee, this person has to work exactly until the new president comes into office and one minute later he or she is out of job. That sounds hard but every appointee knows that and for them their service is not only a job but an honor and a service for the community. That is a really interesting concept that is little known.
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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Als Investment ist diese Immobilie genau so interessant wie als Einstieg fuer eine junge Familie oder als Altersruhesitz im Gruenen mit einer zweiten Wohnung fuer eine Pflegeperson.

Im Erdgeschoss sind 6 Zimmer und Kueche vorhanden sowie ein Vollbad und eine Gaeste-WC . Die vorhandenen Parkplaetze lassen auch eine gewerbliche Nutzung zu z.B. fuer einen Arzt. In der ersten Etage kommen weitere Zimmer und Baeder hinzu. Die Wohnung in der 1 Etage kann z.B. als Wohnung fuer den Arzt genutzt werden.

Der kurze Weg nach Hannover ist fuer einen Arzt, der bei der MHH arbeitet ein nicht zu unterschätzender Vorteil, sodas auch eine ausschließlich private Nutzung gut denkbar ist.
Wer das Wohnen in laendlicher Lage sucht, der wird diese laendliche Idylle sehr schaetzen.

Ausserdem ist der Wertzuwachs einer solcher Immobilien nicht zu unterschaetzen vor dem Hintergrund des heutigen Immobilienmarktes. Die Wertsteigerung liegt gemaess den vorliegenden Wertgutachten ueber der durchschnittlichen Immobilienwertsteigerung.

#Versteigerung #Haus #Erbschaft #Auction #Property # Properties

FBI under Investigation

FBI under Investigation

I do not know if you remember the last few days before the election when the FBI launched a new investigation into the email server of Mrs. Clinton. The reason for this investigation was triggered by email that were hacked by the Russians and leaked by WikiLeaks. The intention was to influence the US election by getting again attention to this issue which was already investigated and cleared in August 2016. 

When the FBI came out with this investigation we were already in the hot phase of the election and even to the policies of this agency such a handling was not appropriate. But the damage was quickly done and today it does not matter because everyone knows the result of the election.

However, the proceedings are not in line with the regulations and therefore the FBI is now investigated by the Department of Justice. We will see what the finding will be but I think it is the right way to get this process checked out to prevent such a handling in the future. Democracy is too precious as that it should be harmed in such a way.

I like this handling because there are still many democracies in the world that do not have such high standards and their people are disappointed and frustrated. The United States tackle quickly a problem and do not try to sweep it under the rug.

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